Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The ear is divided into 3 parts, the outer ear, middle and deep.

a. Outer ear
The outer ear consists of the ear, ear canal to the tympanic membrane. The auricle consists of cartilage and skin elastin. S-shaped ear canal, with a framework of cartilage in the outer third, while two-thirds of it consists of bone, its length is approximately 2 ½ - 3 cm. In the outer third of the ear canal skin there are a lot of cerumen glands (modified sweat glands = cerumen glands) and hair. Sweat glands found in the skin of the ear canal. In two-thirds of the cerumen glands are not found.

b. Middle ear
Cube-shaped middle ear tympanic membrane with the outer border; front boundary eustachius tuba; lower limit jugular vein (bulbus jugularis); rear boundary aditus ad antrum, facial canal pars vertikalis; upper limit of the tegmen tympani (meninges / brain) and the boundary in a row from top to bottom horizontal semicircular canal, facial canal, casement oval (oval window), casement round (round window) and the promontory.
In the middle ear hearing bones are composed from the outside in, namely the malleus, incus and stapes. Bone loss in the middle ear are interconnected. Processus longus malleus attached to the tympanic membrane, malleus attached to the incus, and stapes incus attached. Stapes lies in dealing with the oval windows of the cochlea. Relations between the bones of a joint hearing. While tubal eustachius included in the middle ear that connects the nasopharynx to the middle ear.

c. ear in
The inner ear consists of the cochlea (the cochlea) in the form of two half-circles and vestibular consisting of 3 pieces of the semicircular canals. End or top of the cochlea called helikotrema, connecting perilimfe tympanic scale with the scale vestibuli. Semicircular canals are not fully interconnected. Scale vestibuli and scale tympani contains perilimf, whereas media containing endolimf scale. Ions and salts contained in different perilimf endolimf. It is important for hearing. Basic scale vestibuli called vestibuli membrane (Reissner membrane) while the medium-scale basis is the basement membrane. At this membrane lies the organ of Corti.
On a scale of media there is a section called the tongue-shaped membrane tektoria, and the basement membrane attached to the hair cells of the hair cells, outer hair cell and the canal of Corti, which form the organ of Corti.


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