Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Skin Disease Scabies

Scabies is a skin disease caused by mites (mites) scabei Sarcoptes, which is included in the class of arachnids. This mite is very small and can only be viewed with a microscope or are microscopic.
Scabies disease often called body lice. The disease is also easily transmitted from human to human, from animals to humans and vice versa. Scabies easily spread either directly through direct contact with patients
or indirectly through clothing, linens, towels, pillows, water, or a comb that has been used with and have not been cleared and there are still Sarcoptesnya mites.
Scabies causes intense itching on the skin such as between your fingers, elbow, groin. Scabies is identical to the pediatric floor cottage. cause is less maintained sanitary conditions, poor sanitation, malnutrition, and conditions of the room is too humid and not getting enough direct sunlight. Contagious skin disease scabies quickly in a community living together so that the treatment should be conducted simultaneously and comprehensively in all people and the environment in the affected communities scabies, because if the treatment done on an individual basis it will be easy to catch back the disease scabies.

Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, the mite is circular and has four pairs of legs. Two pairs of foot section protruding beyond the anterior body and two pairs of legs do not cross the posterior part
weight limit. Sarcoptes females residing in the skin layer of the stratum corneum and lucidum creating a tunnel into the skin layers. Inside the tunnel is Sarcoptes females lay eggs and in a short time these eggs hatch into young Sarcoptes hypopi ie with three pairs of legs. As a result of an excavated tunnel and female Sarcoptes hypopi consuming cells in the skin layer, patients experience an itching, scratching the skin that result with ectoparasite infection and formed grayish-brown crust that smells rancid.

Symptoms are shown in red, irritation and itching of the skin that usually appears on the sidelines of the fingers, elbows, groin, and groin. Another symptom is the appearance of fine lines of reddish under the skin which is an excavated tunnel Sarcoptes females. Other symptoms of watery bubbles appear on the skin.

Diagnosis of scabies is done by making the skin scrapings on the area reddish and itchy. scrapings are done should be done somewhat in the skin to bleed due to Sarcoptes females live somewhat in the skin by creating a tunnel. To dissolve the crust use 10 percent KOH solution. then the scrapings results seen with a microscope with a magnification of 10-40 times.

scabies treatment can be done with the delousing shower with water that has dissolved DDT powder (diphenyl Diclhoro Trichloroetan). Another treatment is to smear the ointment that has good power miticid of organic chemicals and non-organic in the skin that itch and redness and allowed to stand for 10 hours.
Another alternative is to shower with soap sulfur / sulfur because the sulfur content is antiseptic and antiparasitic, but the use of sulfur soap should not be excessive because it makes the skin becomes dry. Treatment of scabies should be conducted simultaneously in the affected areas to avoid getting back scabies scabies disease.


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